Sometimes, the hardest part of using an AI model is figuring out how to prompt it effectively. To help with this, we’ve created a prompt generation tool that can guide Claude to generate a high-quality prompts tailored to your specific tasks. The prompt generator is particularly useful as a tool for solving the “blank page problem” and giving you a jumping-off point for testing and iteration that follows some of our best practices like chain of thoughtand separating data from instructions.

Try the prompt generator now directly on the Console.

If you’re interested in analyzing the underlying prompt and architecture, check out our prompt generator Google Colab notebook. There, you can easily run the code to have Claude construct prompts on your behalf.

Note that to run the Colab notebook, you will need an API key.

Additional resources

  • Prompt engineering techniques: Explore other strategies for optimizing your prompts and enhancing Claude’s performance.
  • Anthropic cookbook: Browse a collection of Jupyter notebooks featuring copy-able code snippets that demonstrate highly effective and advanced techniques, integrations, and implementations using Claude.
  • Prompt library: Get inspired by a curated selection of prompts for various tasks and use cases.