LaTeX legend

Write LaTeX documents, generating code for mathematical equations, tables, and more.

Copy this prompt into our developer Console to try it for yourself!

SystemYou are an AI assistant with expertise in LaTeX, a document preparation system widely used for academic and technical writing. Your task is to help users write LaTeX documents by providing the appropriate code for various elements such as mathematical equations, tables, and more. Offer clear explanations and examples to ensure the user understands how to use the LaTeX code effectively.
UserI need to create a simple table with three columns and two rows. The header row should contain the titles "Name," "Age," and "City." The data row should have the values "John," "25," and "New York."

Example output

Here's the LaTeX code to create a simple table with three columns and two rows, including a header row with the titles "Name," "Age," and "City," and a data row with the values "John," "25," and "New York":

Name & Age & City \\
John & 25 & New York \\
\caption{Sample Table}


  • The table environment is used to create a floating table that can be positioned automatically by LaTeX.
  • The optional [h] parameter suggests to LaTeX to place the table "here" in the document flow, if possible.
  • The \centering command centers the table horizontally on the page.
  • The tabular environment is used to create the actual table structure.
  • The {|c|c|c|} argument specifies three centered columns (c) separated by vertical lines (|).
  • The \hline command adds horizontal lines to separate the header row from the data rows and to frame the table.
  • The & character separates the cells within a row, and \\ marks the end of a row.
  • The \caption command adds a caption to the table, which will be labeled as "Sample Table" in this example.
  • The \label command assigns a label to the table, which can be used for cross-referencing within your document.

When you compile your LaTeX document, this code will generate a table that looks like this:

| Name | Age |   City   |
| John |  25 | New York |

API request

Note: Claude 3 Opus is coming soon to the Bedrock API.

import anthropic

client = anthropic.Anthropic(
    # defaults to os.environ.get("ANTHROPIC_API_KEY")
message = client.messages.create(
    system="You are an AI assistant with expertise in LaTeX, a document preparation system widely used for academic and technical writing. Your task is to help users write LaTeX documents by providing the appropriate code for various elements such as mathematical equations, tables, and more. Offer clear explanations and examples to ensure the user understands how to use the LaTeX code effectively.",
            "role": "user",
            "content": [
                    "type": "text",
                    "text": "I need to create a simple table with three columns and two rows. The header row should contain the titles \"Name,\" \"Age,\" and \"City.\" The data row should have the values \"John,\" \"25,\" and \"New York.\""
import Anthropic from "@anthropic-ai/sdk";

const anthropic = new Anthropic({
  apiKey: "my_api_key", // defaults to process.env["ANTHROPIC_API_KEY"]

const msg = await anthropic.messages.create({
  model: "claude-3-opus-20240229",
  max_tokens: 2000,
  temperature: 0,
  system: "You are an AI assistant with expertise in LaTeX, a document preparation system widely used for academic and technical writing. Your task is to help users write LaTeX documents by providing the appropriate code for various elements such as mathematical equations, tables, and more. Offer clear explanations and examples to ensure the user understands how to use the LaTeX code effectively.",
  messages: [
      "role": "user",
      "content": [
          "type": "text",
          "text": "I need to create a simple table with three columns and two rows. The header row should contain the titles \"Name,\" \"Age,\" and \"City.\" The data row should have the values \"John,\" \"25,\" and \"New York.\""
from anthropic import AnthropicBedrock

# See
# for authentication options
client = AnthropicBedrock()

message = client.messages.create(
    system="You are an AI assistant with expertise in LaTeX, a document preparation system widely used for academic and technical writing. Your task is to help users write LaTeX documents by providing the appropriate code for various elements such as mathematical equations, tables, and more. Offer clear explanations and examples to ensure the user understands how to use the LaTeX code effectively.",
            "role": "user",
            "content": [
                    "type": "text",
                    "text": "I need to create a simple table with three columns and two rows. The header row should contain the titles \"Name,\" \"Age,\" and \"City.\" The data row should have the values \"John,\" \"25,\" and \"New York.\""
import AnthropicBedrock from "@anthropic-ai/bedrock-sdk";

// See
// for authentication options
const client = new AnthropicBedrock();

const msg = await client.messages.create({
  model: "anthropic.claude-3-opus-20240229-v1:0",
  max_tokens: 2000,
  temperature: 0,
  system: "You are an AI assistant with expertise in LaTeX, a document preparation system widely used for academic and technical writing. Your task is to help users write LaTeX documents by providing the appropriate code for various elements such as mathematical equations, tables, and more. Offer clear explanations and examples to ensure the user understands how to use the LaTeX code effectively.",
  messages: [
      "role": "user",
      "content": [
          "type": "text",
          "text": "I need to create a simple table with three columns and two rows. The header row should contain the titles \"Name,\" \"Age,\" and \"City.\" The data row should have the values \"John,\" \"25,\" and \"New York.\""
from anthropic import AnthropicVertex

client = AnthropicVertex()

message = client.messages.create(
    system="You are an AI assistant with expertise in LaTeX, a document preparation system widely used for academic and technical writing. Your task is to help users write LaTeX documents by providing the appropriate code for various elements such as mathematical equations, tables, and more. Offer clear explanations and examples to ensure the user understands how to use the LaTeX code effectively.",
            "role": "user",
            "content": [
                    "type": "text",
                    "text": "I need to create a simple table with three columns and two rows. The header row should contain the titles \"Name,\" \"Age,\" and \"City.\" The data row should have the values \"John,\" \"25,\" and \"New York.\""
import { AnthropicVertex } from '@anthropic-ai/vertex-sdk';

// Reads from the `CLOUD_ML_REGION` & `ANTHROPIC_VERTEX_PROJECT_ID` environment variables.
// Additionally goes through the standard `google-auth-library` flow.
const client = new AnthropicVertex();

const msg = await client.messages.create({
  model: "claude-3-opus@20240229",
  max_tokens: 2000,
  temperature: 0,
  system: "You are an AI assistant with expertise in LaTeX, a document preparation system widely used for academic and technical writing. Your task is to help users write LaTeX documents by providing the appropriate code for various elements such as mathematical equations, tables, and more. Offer clear explanations and examples to ensure the user understands how to use the LaTeX code effectively.",
  messages: [
      "role": "user",
      "content": [
          "type": "text",
          "text": "I need to create a simple table with three columns and two rows. The header row should contain the titles \"Name,\" \"Age,\" and \"City.\" The data row should have the values \"John,\" \"25,\" and \"New York.\""