The Admin API allows you to programmatically manage your organization’s resources, including organization members, workspaces, and API keys. This provides programmatic control over administrative tasks that would otherwise require manual configuration in the Anthropic Console.

The Admin API requires special access

The Admin API requires a special Admin API key (starting with sk-ant-admin...) that differs from standard API keys. Only organization members with the admin role can provision Admin API keys through the Anthropic Console.

How the Admin API works

When you use the Admin API:

  1. You make requests using your Admin API key in the x-api-key header
  2. The API allows you to manage:
    • Organization members and their roles
    • Organization member invites
    • Workspaces and their members
    • API keys

This is useful for:

  • Automating user onboarding/offboarding
  • Programmatically managing workspace access
  • Monitoring and managing API key usage

Organization roles and permissions

There are four organization-level roles.

userCan use Workbench
developerCan use Workbench and manage API keys
billingCan use Workbench and manage billing details
adminCan do all of the above, plus manage users

Key concepts

Organization Members

You can list organization members, update member roles, and remove members.

# List organization members
curl "" \
  --header "anthropic-version: 2023-06-01" \
  --header "x-api-key: $ANTHROPIC_ADMIN_KEY"

# Update member role
curl "{user_id}" \
  --header "anthropic-version: 2023-06-01" \
  --header "x-api-key: $ANTHROPIC_ADMIN_KEY" \
  --data '{"role": "developer"}'

# Remove member
curl --request DELETE "{user_id}" \
  --header "anthropic-version: 2023-06-01" \
  --header "x-api-key: $ANTHROPIC_ADMIN_KEY"

Organization Invites

You can invite users to organizations and manage those invites.

# Create invite
curl --request POST "" \
  --header "anthropic-version: 2023-06-01" \
  --header "x-api-key: $ANTHROPIC_ADMIN_KEY" \
  --data '{
    "email": "",
    "role": "developer"

# List invites
curl "" \
  --header "anthropic-version: 2023-06-01" \
  --header "x-api-key: $ANTHROPIC_ADMIN_KEY"

# Delete invite
curl --request DELETE "{invite_id}" \
  --header "anthropic-version: 2023-06-01" \
  --header "x-api-key: $ANTHROPIC_ADMIN_KEY"


Create and manage workspaces to organize your resources:

# Create workspace
curl --request POST "" \
  --header "anthropic-version: 2023-06-01" \
  --header "x-api-key: $ANTHROPIC_ADMIN_KEY" \
  --data '{"name": "Production"}'

# List workspaces
curl "" \
  --header "anthropic-version: 2023-06-01" \
  --header "x-api-key: $ANTHROPIC_ADMIN_KEY"

# Archive workspace
curl --request POST "{workspace_id}/archive" \
  --header "anthropic-version: 2023-06-01" \
  --header "x-api-key: $ANTHROPIC_ADMIN_KEY"

Workspace Members

Manage user access to specific workspaces:

# Add member to workspace
curl --request POST "{workspace_id}/members" \
  --header "anthropic-version: 2023-06-01" \
  --header "x-api-key: $ANTHROPIC_ADMIN_KEY" \
  --data '{
    "user_id": "user_xxx",
    "workspace_role": "workspace_developer"

# List workspace members
curl "{workspace_id}/members?limit=10" \
  --header "anthropic-version: 2023-06-01" \
  --header "x-api-key: $ANTHROPIC_ADMIN_KEY"

# Update member role
curl --request POST "{workspace_id}/members/{user_id}" \
  --header "anthropic-version: 2023-06-01" \
  --header "x-api-key: $ANTHROPIC_ADMIN_KEY" \
  --data '{
    "workspace_role": "workspace_admin"

# Remove member from workspace
curl --request DELETE "{workspace_id}/members/{user_id}" \
  --header "anthropic-version: 2023-06-01" \
  --header "x-api-key: $ANTHROPIC_ADMIN_KEY"

API Keys

Monitor and manage API keys:

# List API keys
curl "" \
  --header "anthropic-version: 2023-06-01" \
  --header "x-api-key: $ANTHROPIC_ADMIN_KEY"

# Update API key
curl --request POST "{api_key_id}" \
  --header "anthropic-version: 2023-06-01" \
  --header "x-api-key: $ANTHROPIC_ADMIN_KEY" \
  --data '{
    "status": "inactive",
    "name": "New Key Name"

Best practices

To effectively use the Admin API:

  • Use meaningful names and descriptions for workspaces and API keys
  • Implement proper error handling for failed operations
  • Regularly audit member roles and permissions
  • Clean up unused workspaces and expired invites
  • Monitor API key usage and rotate keys periodically