Migrating from other models

Migrating prompts

If you're looking to migrate your existing prompts from other models to Claude, we have good news for you! With the release of the Claude 3 family, migrating your prompts is easier than ever. Unlike the older Claude 2 models, which required a bit more effort to adapt prompts, Claude 3 makes the process a breeze.

To get started, simply follow these steps:

  1. Get access to the Console: If you haven't already, sign up for an account and obtain access to the Anthropic Console.

  2. Drop your prompts in the Console Workbench: Once you have access to the Console, head over to the Workbench. Here, we make it easy to drop your old prompt into the System Prompt and User fields.

    • To simulate a multiturn conversation, click the Add Messages button on the bottom left of the Workbench window.
    • To control parameters and select your model, click on the model settings button at the bottom right of the messages area.
  3. Copy the code: After you've entered your prompt into the corresponding Workbench fields, click on the </> Get Code button in the top right corner of the Workbench. This will generate code snippets in Python and TypeScript that are properly formatted according to our SDK. You can then integrate this code into your existing projects or use it as a starting point for new ones.


Prompt optimization

While there's no need to make changes to your prompts to migrate to Claude 3, you may want to explore ways to enhance your prompts further to get the best performance out of Claude. If you spent time optimizing your prompt for another model, you may need to spend some time to optimize it for Claude.

To learn more about optimizing your prompts for Claude, check out our prompt engineering documentation. These resources will provide you with valuable tips and techniques for crafting prompts that get the most out of Claude's capabilities.

Remember, the key to successful migration is experimentation! Don't be afraid to try different variations of your prompts and see how Claude responds. The Workbench is the perfect place to iterate on your prompts and fine-tune them for the best results.

For detailed guidance on migrating prompts from ChatGPT, see our ChatGPT migration guide. Note that while these techniques are useful for all Claude models, they may be particularly necessary for migration to our legacy models

Migrating infrastructure and architecture

Anthropic does not offer our own embeddings or vector store services, but we provide guidance on how to use third party embeddings tools and vector stores.

  • Embeddings: See our embeddings guide and accompanying embeddings notebook for a walkthrough on how to embed with Voyage AI's state of the art embedding models.
  • Vector stores: See our cookbook on how to do RAG with Pinecone for guidance on using Pinecone as a vector store.

We also recommend exploring the tools and services offered by AWS and Google Cloud, our partner providers that allow seamless and secure integration with Claude directly on their platforms.

If you encounter any issues during the migration process or have questions about how to optimize your prompts for Claude, don't hesitate to reach out to our support team or consult our Discord server! Our team and the wider Anthropic community are always happy to help.

Happy migrating! We psyched to see what you create with Claude!