Examples are your secret weapon shortcut for getting Claude to generate exactly what you need. By providing a few well-crafted examples in your prompt, you can dramatically improve the accuracy, consistency, and quality of Claude’s outputs. This technique, known as few-shot or multishot prompting, is particularly effective for tasks that require structured outputs or adherence to specific formats.

Power up your prompts: Include 3-5 diverse, relevant examples to show Claude exactly what you want. More examples = better performance, especially for complex tasks.

Why use examples?

  • Accuracy: Examples reduce misinterpretation of instructions.
  • Consistency: Examples enforce uniform structure and style.
  • Performance: Well-chosen examples boost Claude’s ability to handle complex tasks.

Crafting effective examples

For maximum effectiveness, make sure that your examples are:

  • Relevant: Your examples mirror your actual use case.
  • Diverse: Your examples cover edge cases and potential challenges, and vary enough that Claude doesn’t inadvertently pick up on unintended patterns.
  • Clear: Your examples are wrapped in <example> tags (if multiple, nested within <examples> tags) for structure.
Ask Claude to evaluate your examples for relevance, diversity, or clarity. Or have Claude generate more examples based on your initial set.